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How a professionally-made website can level-up your business (+ when to redesign your website)

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    Taking your business to the next level: How a professional website can get you there

    Does your original website still mirror the developed and professional nature of your business today? It's not just about staying operational—it's about your digital presence evolving to keep pace with your ambitions and competitors around you.

    Because, let’s face it, our businesses are constantly evolving. We’re always learning, becoming better and, importantly, becoming more professional.

    Good news: moving from your basic first website to a more refined and strategically aligned one is an exciting step to take for growing businesses. It’s also a common stage we all find ourselves in at some point.

    We’re not just talking about cosmetic tweaks either, it's a real strategic shift that can significantly boost your brand's engagement and market position by creating a website with a whole load more intention.

    By choosing a purposeful approach that aligns your website with your current business status, taps into deep user and industry insights, and recognises the optimal time for an upgrade, you can create a digital presence that strengthens your business and professional image.

    A screenshot of the homepage for Figure Eight Creative, a website designed and built by Lumin. The hero section shows various website elements like a testimonial, copy and image which are all annoted to denote website strategy.
    A strategic take on a hero section to demo the point: intentionally adding element based on the business, their strength and target audience.

    How to make sure you don’t leave your website behind

    In the digital world, your website often makes the first impression. Let’s look at the steps you can take to make sure your business and your website remain at the same level.

    Step 1: Align your online presence with your current professionalism

    Refresh your website to reflect your business’s current level of professionalism and experience. By updating from an outdated look to a design that mirrors your current business stage, you enhance your online credibility.

    Tip: Keep your branding and website design reviewed and synced with your business’s evolution. If you’re branding changes, your website really has to reflect these changes as it’s the true epitome of your business online.

    Step 2: Build an intentional website with user insights

    Your first website might not have fully grasped your audience or industry. Now, leverage all the insights you have gained to craft a website with purpose and intention that effectively meets your business objectives. The main benefit of having your first website is really using it to generate insights into what works with your audience, what stands out and what you may need to change or add.

    Avoid adding features or content without a clear strategic purpose. Always have your users in mind. Remember we’re doing these things for them, not for ourselves.

    Step 3: Recognise when to upgrade

    Identifying the right time to update your website can be challenging. A lot of the time we get so used to the things that we have that we become blind to them. We also sometimes feel like they’re such insurmountable tasks, so our subconscious works against us by putting these important tasks on the back burner so we don’t have to face them.

    (Note, that’s why I co-launched an event called Web Pros to help business owners get past these mental, procrastination blocks and start making intentional website progress.)

    Signs that it’s time for a change might include:

    • Reluctance to make updates
    • Not many inquiries coming through your website
    • Frequent questions about your offerings
    • Feeling a little embarrassed when people ask to see your website (this is the most common symptom in my experience)

    These signals indicate it’s time for a redesign.

    It’s not always easy to tell when to redesign your website though, which is why we offer our free New Moon Website Audits to give your website a quick 15-minute evaluation sent straight to your inbox as a Loom video.

    By following these steps, not only will you realign your website with your business’s current status, but you'll also position it as a crucial tool in your growth strategy. But, why is this important?

    Why a strategic, professional website is so important for your business

    This process effectively addresses the core needs of a maturing business in an online world. But why should we bother?

    Reason #1: Aligning your website with your current professional level ensures your digital presence accurately represents your business as it currently is, not as it was. This attracts better and more ideal clients seeking the sophistication and experience you offer.

    Reason #2: A strategic approach to website design, informed by real user data and business insights, leads to a more effective platform. This tailored approach ensures every element of your site works to achieve your business goals, enhancing user engagement and conversion rates.

    Reason #3: Understanding when to upgrade your website prevents the stagnation many businesses experience with an outdated online presence. Keeping your website modern, responsive and exciting ensures your business remains competitive and relevant. It’s often easy to forget our own business in the hustle and bustle of running it. Let’s try and fix that by viewing our own website as if we were viewing it for the first time.


    A new, more strategically aligned website is not merely an upgrade; it's the epitome of your business in the online world. It reflects your growth, meets the evolved expectations of your customers, and solidly positions your brand in the marketplace.

    Begin by evaluating where your current website stands in relation to your business today, strategise based on your accumulated insights, and act decisively when the signs for an upgrade are evident. With a refreshed, strategically aligned website, watch as your business achieves new levels of success and professionalism.

    Do you have a website that you want checked out? Get your free New Moon Audit to learn how your website is dimming your shine in just 15 minutes. This is an easy first step towards a strategy-driven website you’re proud of and the first part of our process towards a more confident, effective and professional online presence.

    Or, if you have questions, I set a limited number of 2 slots aside every Wednesday afternoon to have free chats about websites or website strategy. You can book one of the limited slots here .

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